“Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” The Christian writings are full of sayings like that one from Matthew. We are encouraged to ask for what we need. This goes against my grain, having been raised to be self-sufficient in our I-can-do-anything-I-set-my-mind-to-do culture.

Why does the Divine want us to ask? Is it because he needs to be needed?! Does he feel inadequate without someone seeking his aid?! Is it for connection? I don’t fully know. But I suspect that at least part of our asking is for our own growth, our own good. We need to be connected to the Source in order to realize who we are as part of the Divine. We need to acknowledge our need for help from beyond.

And, when we do ask, seek, and knock, are we prepared for what might come? Or is the result already determined in our minds? Do we have limits on what God can respond with? Does our understanding of scripture limit our imagination?

My experience says be prepared for anything when I ask, seek, or knock! It might not be what I had planned. It might not fit with what I think is truth. It might go against the grain of my surrounding culture.

A few days ago I was feeling discouraged. I asked for some indication that my venture into soul regression work was the way I was supposed to be going. That very day I had two hits! The results were absolutely marvelous!

One illustration: while leading a client into the Spirit realm during a soul regression session she asked about energy work, energy shifts. She was told (among other things) that Dennis knows all this; he does not need to write it down! Which, of course, I was frantically doing at the time! Here I was conducting a session to assist the client, and I was being encouraged that I had knowledge, and not to discount my own wisdom! You never know what you will receive when you ask, when you seek, when you knock. And in what form the answer may come.

Thank you!