Fire and Fury

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, by Michael Wolff, is a revealing look at the Trump administration during his first year in office. It shows a lot of the infighting which has been hinted at in the news, but here revealed in all its “fury”. It gives realistic looks at the various personalities inhabiting the Trump White House. It speaks of the games being played to gain influence and power within the administration.

This book helps explain so much about what we hear snippets of in the evening news. It gives a broader perspective and background to the news.

And what it shows is a man totally unfit to occupy the office of president of the United States. It is really a frightening scenario. With so much influence and power at his disposal, the unhinged rantings and ratings of this man are truly scary.

I urge everyone, especially my American friends and family, to read this book if you really want to understand some of what is occurring today in US politics.