About the Monk

Having rural beginnings, Dennis has lived most of his life in cities, all in the western half of North America. He is Canadian, but has lived almost half his life in the USA. Born into a conservative religious community in southern Manitoba, he has travelled far on the spiritual journey called life. Mennonite by heritage, influenced by many and various streams of religion and spirituality, he is a mixture, a unique blend.

As this website begins, at the beginning of the year 2012, he spends much of his time seeking to understand the broader message of the Universal Source of LIfe. Asking questions, ofttimes uncomfortable ones, seeking answers in unorthodox places, rubbing people the wrong way at times, he walks through life one step at a time. Content with the unknowable, seeking to be spiritually in tune with the Divine, living in the present, aware of the past, looking to the future.

One thought on “About the Monk

  1. Should you ever get to New Mexico again, would love to meet and talk and share. Loved reading the blogs. Namaste, Shalom All the best in your journeys. Sharon

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