
I am increasingly hearing references to QAnon in news media. I don’t know all that much about it, but I have been fascinated with QAnon for close to a decade now. QAnon has really upped its visibility since Donald Trump came to power.  I follow several websites and blogs which could readily be summed up as “flighty”!!! Several of them reference QAnon regularly.

Apparently QAnon is a channel with seemingly “inside” news of the Trump administration. Its posts (are they all through “Twitter”?) are very esoteric, and often confusing. Thus they are open to a wide range of interpretation.

And QAnon is strongly pro-Trump. Apparently this source has been increasingly picked up and promoted by conservative, right-wing religion. In one of the recent protest marches which are currently so prominent on TV news, I saw a woman holding up a sign reading, “Q for Trump”, or something of that sort. So, Q (as it originally was known) is being talked about, and noticed more and more.

Apparently, one of Q’s messages is that Donald Trump came to power specifically to “drain the swamp”. He is supposedly going to get rid of the “powers-that-be”, often called the “ruling cabal” or “ruling elite” by Q’s followers.

Now, I have no trouble recognizing that the actual people “calling the shots”, the ones “pulling the strings” are largely invisible, behind-the-scenes, powerful leaders. We talked that sort of talk back in the sixties and seventies when I was a young man!! We recognized that the person in power, in elected office, was not the one actually in power. We knew there were shadowy figures in the background.

Remember, I grew up in the time when the Kennedys were assassinated, and Martin Luther King. It did not take me terribly long to realize that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President Kennedy. We all knew that there were powers at work behind the scenes to accomplish these nefarious ends.

I love a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone! And a lot of QAnon’s stuff comes under that rubric. As I said above, I really do not know a lot about Q. But I do have questions about the little I do know. For example, QAnon has been linked with the Epoch Times, which is a commonly distributed newspaper of Chinese origin. I can pick up a copy just about anywhere in Calgary, where I live. There are indications that this newspaper has strong ties to the Falun Gong, an outlawed, quasi-religious sect in China and among Chinese people around the world opposed to Communism. And the Epoch Times is a strong supporter of Trump for president. The Chinese people see him as the best bet to overthrow Xi Jinping, the leader of the Communist party of China. I heard recently that the Epoch Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in the entire world!

What that all means, I do not know. I know that anything associated with China or Chinese people has the potential to be big, if nothing else! So I fear this support for Trump.

Another thing which comes under the heading of conspiracy stuff, is the revealing of UFO and extra-terrestrial information. Just today, June 20, 2020, I saw an interview with Trump where he kind of slyly hinted that he knows stuff about that topic which he might reveal at some point. If he does that close to the election, that could swing the vote in his favour.

As I pointed out in my previous post, earlier today, Trump will do anything to get re-elected. He does not care how much it hurts the country, how much it undermines democracy, how much it upsets the world order, how it may hurt individuals. If it allows him to hold onto power, he will do it. As John Bolton says in his book, there is no other consideration for Trump.

Also, in my previous post, I noted that at the beginning of Trump’s presidency I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. As his ineptitude, his moral and ethical deficit, his pathological mental incapacity became clearer and clearer, I vowed not to get too worked up over it. I tried to refrain from fierce arguments with my many friends and family who support Trump. I figured everything would work out alright in the end.

But I heard a commentator on air the other day saying that we cannot afford to waste time. We have this pandemic shutdown time in which to think, to consider what we are facing. And it is up to each individual to speak out. We can no longer afford to be silent. I know I have few readers of this blog; but it is one voice I have, and I will be conscientious and speak my mind. I will share what information I have. I will share my opinions. I welcome any response, on any side of any of these arguments!!!!